Peripheral Neuropathy: a condition caused by damage to the nerves in the
peripheral nervous system, which include nerves that run from the brain
and spinal cord to the rest of the body. Many of these nerves are
involved with sensation and feeling things such as pain, temperature and
I. Symptoms
A. Loss of sensation
B. Weakness
C. Tingling
D. Prickling
E. Muscle atrophy
F. Pain in extremities
II. Other Muscular symptoms (May include)
A. Wasting
B. Weight loss
C. Tripping
D. Difficulty climbing stairs
E. Loss of grip strength
III. Pain may be described as
A. Aching
B. Burning
C. Jabbing
D. Searing
Conclusion: The treatment for PN is dependent on the CAUSE.
1) diabetes
2) alcoholism
3) autoimmune disease
4) infections
5) cancer
6) medications
7) vitamin deficiencies
8) exposure to toxic substances
1) involving something poisonous; relating to or containing a poison or
2) deadly; causing serious harm or death
AGENT ORANGE: = toxic herbicide:
A herbicide, now understood to be extremely toxic,that was sprayed from
the air by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War to defoliate the
jungle and expose enemy forces.